Merry Christmas!
The Greatest Gift a Christian can give to Satan, is Our Silence
Our friends and relatives are perishing day by day without the saving grace of Jesus Christ.
Please help all you can to call on his name and to receive "The Promise."
Please help all you can to call on his name and to receive "The Promise."
Revelation 20:15 And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire. For all the unsaved, I beg you to make sure you are certain that Jesus Christ is an imposter, and truly not the Son of God. For his word says that if you reject him, and will not repent of your sins, the Lake of Fire will be your Eternal resting place. Not my words; his words. And your acceptance of him has to be a real thing from your heart; not your mind. You will experience a peace and a joy you've never experienced, and God's word says that if you will seek him with all your heart, you will find him. For all that say there is no Hell, I can only say that you either do not believe every word in the Bible is true, or you simply have not taken the time to read it all. To all that are saved by his sacrifice; we have his promise that we will live together forever, in a far better world than this one. My hope and my prayer is that none should perish.
John 6:37 No one comes to Jesus unless they are called by God the Father. Open your heart, not your mind; and you will make yourself worthy to be called. You will have Eternal life in Heaven, and Jesus will give you the power, through his name; to overcome any sin in your life. Jesus loves you more than you can ever believe, and when you truly accept him, you will wonder how you ever lived without him. Simply call on his name, with all your heart.
The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Teaching - The Christian Church's Biggest Lie
This teaching is beyond ridiculous; it's totally absurd. Fellow Christians, for the sake of your children and grandchildren, you need to explore this site and your Bible and see why this teaching twists and nullifies the words of Jesus and Paul, and leaves Christians totally unprepared for what may be coming very soon. This crazy idea that we are going to be raptured and taken to Heaven any day now to miss the persecution by the Anti-Christ is a complete hoax. It has no basis in the Bible, and was started in the early 1800's supposedly by a 15 year old girl from Glascow, Scotland, who supposedly had a rapture vision, or maybe just a dream. If you have a dream that Jesus is returning on a flying saucer with hula dancers, I think most would say that doesn't necessarily mean it's true. This dream was picked up by a Reverend Darby, transported to the United States, and off it went. Why?? Because it sounds sooooo good, and is what every Christian wants to hear. The teaching is supported by a bunch of abstract nonsense that nullifies the crystal clear message of Jesus and Paul, as to when Jesus is going to return, and how. Pastors have taught this all over America. Why?? Because that is what they were taught in Seminary, not questioning why the scriptures simply do not back it up, in any way. Pastors know that people do not want to hear that they may have to endure persecution for the cause of Christ, and far easier to say we are leaving before the trouble starts. Wake up Christians, and study this, for all of us need to be prepared for the rise of the Anti-Christ; and to be strong enough in our faith to defend our Lord and Savior. Jesus wants soldiers, not fearful escapees who think they are so self righteous that they deserve better treatment by God than those Christians who came before them. Christians have been and are being persecuted all over the world today. Is this teaching a salvation issue?? Maybe not for you, but millions may turn from the faith and lose their salvation when the Anti-Christ persecution begins and they have to choose between his mark and eternal damnation, or the ways of Jesus. The line will be clearly drawn. The last 7 years of this earth is the Superbowl battle of good and evil. And they want to tell you that God's team is not going to show up and play. It simply defies all logic, and history of the Church. If you let 1,000 people read the New Testament and then asked them if there was going to be a pre-tribulation rapture; I believe all 1,000 would say they don't know what you are talking about. The whole theme of the New Testament is patient endurance through trials and tribulations; and faithfulness to Christ; until the end. The pre-tribulation rapture teaching is in direct opposition to the teachings of Jesus and Paul. There will be a so called rapture; or gathering by Jesus of his Saints; but only after we prove our faithfulness to him, if we are living at that time. Please click "More" above; "I Can't Read." for more about this teaching. I am simply bewildered that any Christian that has studied their Bible would believe it; and Pastors and any Christian should be ashamed of themselves for promoting it. We are absolutely called, as Christians, to stand against any false doctrine in the Church of Jesus Christ. And Bible prophecy deception is out of control in the world, just as Jesus said it would be before he returns. I am planning to post a u-tube series with a complete list of reasons why this teaching is in error. Day by day, more and more Christians are pushing back and coming to the realization that they have been deceived by this teaching. We need to cleanse it from our Churches and be unified in our beliefs. God has simply put it in my heart to help lead the crusade, and to help correct the injustice this teaching has done to his message.
This teaching is beyond ridiculous; it's totally absurd. Fellow Christians, for the sake of your children and grandchildren, you need to explore this site and your Bible and see why this teaching twists and nullifies the words of Jesus and Paul, and leaves Christians totally unprepared for what may be coming very soon. This crazy idea that we are going to be raptured and taken to Heaven any day now to miss the persecution by the Anti-Christ is a complete hoax. It has no basis in the Bible, and was started in the early 1800's supposedly by a 15 year old girl from Glascow, Scotland, who supposedly had a rapture vision, or maybe just a dream. If you have a dream that Jesus is returning on a flying saucer with hula dancers, I think most would say that doesn't necessarily mean it's true. This dream was picked up by a Reverend Darby, transported to the United States, and off it went. Why?? Because it sounds sooooo good, and is what every Christian wants to hear. The teaching is supported by a bunch of abstract nonsense that nullifies the crystal clear message of Jesus and Paul, as to when Jesus is going to return, and how. Pastors have taught this all over America. Why?? Because that is what they were taught in Seminary, not questioning why the scriptures simply do not back it up, in any way. Pastors know that people do not want to hear that they may have to endure persecution for the cause of Christ, and far easier to say we are leaving before the trouble starts. Wake up Christians, and study this, for all of us need to be prepared for the rise of the Anti-Christ; and to be strong enough in our faith to defend our Lord and Savior. Jesus wants soldiers, not fearful escapees who think they are so self righteous that they deserve better treatment by God than those Christians who came before them. Christians have been and are being persecuted all over the world today. Is this teaching a salvation issue?? Maybe not for you, but millions may turn from the faith and lose their salvation when the Anti-Christ persecution begins and they have to choose between his mark and eternal damnation, or the ways of Jesus. The line will be clearly drawn. The last 7 years of this earth is the Superbowl battle of good and evil. And they want to tell you that God's team is not going to show up and play. It simply defies all logic, and history of the Church. If you let 1,000 people read the New Testament and then asked them if there was going to be a pre-tribulation rapture; I believe all 1,000 would say they don't know what you are talking about. The whole theme of the New Testament is patient endurance through trials and tribulations; and faithfulness to Christ; until the end. The pre-tribulation rapture teaching is in direct opposition to the teachings of Jesus and Paul. There will be a so called rapture; or gathering by Jesus of his Saints; but only after we prove our faithfulness to him, if we are living at that time. Please click "More" above; "I Can't Read." for more about this teaching. I am simply bewildered that any Christian that has studied their Bible would believe it; and Pastors and any Christian should be ashamed of themselves for promoting it. We are absolutely called, as Christians, to stand against any false doctrine in the Church of Jesus Christ. And Bible prophecy deception is out of control in the world, just as Jesus said it would be before he returns. I am planning to post a u-tube series with a complete list of reasons why this teaching is in error. Day by day, more and more Christians are pushing back and coming to the realization that they have been deceived by this teaching. We need to cleanse it from our Churches and be unified in our beliefs. God has simply put it in my heart to help lead the crusade, and to help correct the injustice this teaching has done to his message.
I'm Getting More and More Excited about Leaving, every day!
Are We the Terminal Generation -- Click More Above
Are We not Entering the Lasts Days??
Are We not Entering the Lasts Days??
God and the Gay Movement - Click "More" Above
I guess this song's for all of us who have been left behind; but only for a moment in time.
Coming Soon: The Key to Knowing the End has Come. One Word; "Iran" The Key To Knowing The Return Of Jesus Is Imminent - "The Abomination Of Desolation"
It's The Trigger on God's Gun
Make No Mistake; The End Times Is About One Thing; God Rising Up To Curse The World For Its Sin
It's The Trigger on God's Gun
Make No Mistake; The End Times Is About One Thing; God Rising Up To Curse The World For Its Sin
Guilt - The Costs One Pays For Sin
The White Horse and Rider of Revelation 6:2 Has the End Begun? Click "More" Above - The White Horse --- The 1st Horseman of the Apocalypse
Do you want to hear something that will make you feel good? I got to see Glen Campbell Live in Hawaii on a Merle Norman Cosmetic Convention with my mother years ago. One of the highlights of my life. It's hard to comprehend the incredible talent that our great God has given man. He is so good; and we are all so very blessed. Don't miss his concert live in Sioux Falls. This world is going to miss this guy, but we won't forget him.
Do Tattoos Please God?? They do not; and you should not encourage your children to have them.
Leviticus 19:28 "Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the Lord." Very clearly God told the Israelites not to tattoo themselves. This is not meant to offend; it is to make Christians aware that God does not want you to have tattoos on your body. Is it a sin to get a tattoo?? According to God; it certainly is; and we all need to help change the tattoo craze and culture. To the millions of Christians who have tattoos and all of us who have sinned against him in one way or another; Jesus would simply say "Go; and sin no more."
Leviticus 19:28 "Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the Lord." Very clearly God told the Israelites not to tattoo themselves. This is not meant to offend; it is to make Christians aware that God does not want you to have tattoos on your body. Is it a sin to get a tattoo?? According to God; it certainly is; and we all need to help change the tattoo craze and culture. To the millions of Christians who have tattoos and all of us who have sinned against him in one way or another; Jesus would simply say "Go; and sin no more."
Daniel's Rapture
Was the So-Called Rapture of the Church Predicted in the Old Testament?
If you as a Christian do need believe every word in the Bible is true, you are denying the very power and deity of God. Fellow Christians; 2600 years ago, God gave his prophet Daniel a vision of our modern day Raptured Church in Daniel 12:1-3. Click "More" above Daniel's rapture. More to Come!
Was the So-Called Rapture of the Church Predicted in the Old Testament?
If you as a Christian do need believe every word in the Bible is true, you are denying the very power and deity of God. Fellow Christians; 2600 years ago, God gave his prophet Daniel a vision of our modern day Raptured Church in Daniel 12:1-3. Click "More" above Daniel's rapture. More to Come!
Revelation 7:9 Is the Raptured Church of Jesus Christ
Perhaps it's better to seek the face of God; than to be taught what others believe. We know from the words of Paul, Christians are not appointed to God's coming wrath. The wrath of God is not the 7 seals being broken by Jesus in Revelation 6; his wrath begins very clearly in Revelation 8, and not before; and all of us Christians who truly love him and keep his ways will be in Heaven. Click More Above - The Raptured Church
Perhaps it's better to seek the face of God; than to be taught what others believe. We know from the words of Paul, Christians are not appointed to God's coming wrath. The wrath of God is not the 7 seals being broken by Jesus in Revelation 6; his wrath begins very clearly in Revelation 8, and not before; and all of us Christians who truly love him and keep his ways will be in Heaven. Click More Above - The Raptured Church
How Can I Have Great Power with God as a Christian ????
Keep all of his Ways; every single one of them; not part of them. Rejoice and give him thanks for all the Blessings that he has given us; that most of us take for granted. Believe with all your Heart and Soul that you have it; without doubting; and you can say to the mountain be removed; and by the power of the Words of Jesus Christ; it shall be removed from before you. It is that simple. Expect it to take while; for you to prove your faithfulness to him; but the day will come when you will walk with great confidence before God, and have great joy in his every provision.
Keep all of his Ways; every single one of them; not part of them. Rejoice and give him thanks for all the Blessings that he has given us; that most of us take for granted. Believe with all your Heart and Soul that you have it; without doubting; and you can say to the mountain be removed; and by the power of the Words of Jesus Christ; it shall be removed from before you. It is that simple. Expect it to take while; for you to prove your faithfulness to him; but the day will come when you will walk with great confidence before God, and have great joy in his every provision.
Where You Goin - Heaven, or Hell ?
I sincerely hope this site will help you see if you have a Reservation Booked in Heaven, or in Hell; according to the Words of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; and his son Jesus Christ; when you leave this earth. According to Jesus Christ, belief in him as the one and only true Lord and Savior is the only way for you to enter the Gates of Heaven, and to live with him and his Father, forever. God has given me a vision that the Gates of Hell are temporarily closed, and that lines are backed up for miles, because Satan has gone on a vacation. God's angel overheard him laughing telling one of his Servants that he always knew he could deceive the people who were not saved by the Blood of Jesus Christ; but he never dreamed that it would be so easy to deceive those that call themselves Christians. Our modern day world is promoting that sin before God is an acceptable way of life in America. There is going to be a great multitude of so-called Christians that are going to be very surprised when they stand before Jesus. Jesus died for one purpose. To give us the power through his name to overcome any sin in our lives, and to be worthy to enter his presence. No sin will ever enter the Kingdom of God, and those promoting what God has identified as sin are just as guilty as the sinner himself. Jesus will never compromise his ways, for you, or anyone. He said over and over that he and his Father's ways; are one, and exactly the same. If you, as a Christian are angry with the words on my site; you are not angry at me; you are angry with the word of God, and I would strongly encourage you to re-examine your relationship with Jesus Christ. No one who has a true relationship with Jesus should be angry with God's Word. You had better start thinking about your Eternal home; for this world is passing away. How could a good and loving God cast people into Hell for all Eternity?
The Answer is surprisingly Simple - Stayed Tuned for the Superbowl of God
The Answer is surprisingly Simple - Stayed Tuned for the Superbowl of God
Is your Relationship Right with Jesus Christ ??
Luke 12:49 "I am come to send fire on the earth; and what will I, if it be already kindled?" But I have a baptism to be baptized with; and how am I straitened till it be accomplished! Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division: For from henceforth there shall be five in one house divided, three against two, and two against three. The father shall be divided against the son, and the son against the father; the mother against the daughter, and the daughter against the mother; the mother in law against her daughter in law, and the daughter in law against her mother in law." The words of Jesus Christ. Sin and unbelief in Jesus Christ as savior of this world is the divider; and he wants all of us as Christians to separate ourselves from all sin and those who live in and support sin; even if it is our own family or friends. His words are crystal clear, although very unacceptable to mothers and fathers, and most of us today. You can not have a true relationship with Jesus Christ, your Savior, and live in or support any kind of sin. It won't happen, and please stop Satan from deceiving you any longer. Satan is a master at making you feel good, and comfortable; with the sin you are living in. I use the words "supporting sin" because it the exact same thing before Jesus; and Christians need to understand that. No form of sin will enter the Kingdom of God; and how strong was the message of Jesus ? Matthew 13:41 The Son of man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend, and them which do iniquity; 42And shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth. 43Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. Strong words from Jesus Christ about his return that our modern day world had better hear; if you intend to claim his salvation. Jesus is returning to cleanse and re-new the earth with fire. What is he waiting for ?? He is waiting for his Gospel to be preached in all the world; and for you to accept him as your Savior and Lord; and let the power of his name defeat Satan in your life. For those who believe there is no literal hell, Jesus Christ would obviously beg to differ. And what about the phrase "Holier than Thou." We are not, as Christians; being any sort of "Holier than Thou." It is what Jesus Christ demands of us all, as Christians. The apostle Paul said to save some with fear. If strong words can save one person from Eternal damnation in Hell; I will endure all the trials and tribulations, with persecutions; according to Jesus; this world has to offer. If you have loved ones and friends who are unsaved; you should care enough about their Eternal souls to do the same.
1st John 3:15 "Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer: and ye know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him." Fellow Christians; Jesus never said that we have to like our neighbor; or brother; he said we are to love them. There is a big difference. You are not going to like everyone in this world; but Jesus wants us to be kind and have affection for all; realizing that their lives are full of problems, trials and tribulations; just like our own. More to Come!
Am I, a Delusional Christian
What is a delusional Christian. A delusional Christian is a supposed Christian that thinks he or she is going to Church and having a form of Godliness; while they support Abortion, the Gay Movement, Fornication, adultery, living together; out of marriage; with no respect for God's laws and ways; lying, stealing, lust of money, and a long list of things that God said is sin before him; while not wanting to study God's word; the Holy Bible. Please accept my humble words as a sinner myself; that you shall be stripped naked and bare before God, and you will have no cloak for your sin. Please be warned by someone who has spent countless hours in God's Word in pursuit of God's plan for the end times and the prophecy of Jesus Christ; and knows his words very well. You learn your way around the Bible pretty well in the studying of prophecy. What you want to think as a Christian will not change God's laws. If you think the liberal movement in America has any power with God, you are a completely delusional Christian. Just as God blessed the Jewish people in the Old Testament and they turned away from him, our nation as a whole has turned away and rejected God's ways. As sure as God carved his ways on a stone that came off the mountain, and destroyed the Israelites for rejecting his ways, God will dismantle the great nation we used to call America, and throw it into a bed of chaos. And if you reject the free gift of Salvation that Jesus Christ gave his life for; his and his Father's righteousness will be played back in your ears, in a Lake of Fire, for all Eternity. Listen to the words of the Father and his son. Isaiah 59: verses 1 and 2 "Behold, the LORD'S hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither his ear heavy, that it cannot hear: But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from you, that he will not hear." God's clear message that if you are living in or supporting sin as a Christian, he will not hear your prayers. Oh, Craig; that Old Testament stuff doesn't apply to us Christians; all we have to do is rub a little bottle and claim to love Jesus. The words of Jesus in Matthew: 17-19 "Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven." And what I believe are the most profound words from Jesus Christ he ever spoke to marginal Christians who try to have one foot in his Kingdom and the other in the world. Matthew 7: 21-23 "Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity." Please note the words "but he that doeth the will of the Father" My dear fellow Christians, if you think supporting or living in sin is the will of God the Father, you should wear with pride the term "Delusional Christian." God's anger will not burn against those who have sinned and sincerely repented of that sin. Those who should fear God's anger are those who profess to be Christians and support sins that are clearly in support of Satan, and contrary to the ways of Jesus Christ and his Father. If you do not fear; you should; for your end will not be well, and by the words of Jesus above, you will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Second Timothy 2:19 " Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity (sin)." If you are a marginal Christian that kinda believes in Jesus in your mind and is comfortable in your earthly material things, you need to read the words of Jesus in Revelation 3: verses 15,16,&17. God can destroy the the material wealth of this country in an instant. Everyone that calls themself a Christian better make sure that they believe in Jesus Christ from their heart, for the mind saved Christians will not enter the Kingdom of God. Salvation is not a mind thing; it's a heart thing. I want to issue a warning from God to all Christians in our new, anything goes, modern day world, of Christianity. I would strongly recommend you review your stance on what God the Father and Jesus called an abomination or an abominable sin before them. In Revelation 21:7 & 8 Jesus states: "He that overcometh shall inherit all things; I will be his God, and he shall be my son. But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death." For those that do not know their Bible, God destroyed the gay movement and all that supported it in the days of Noah, in the days of Sodom and Gommorah, and when Moses came off the mountain when God gave the people over to inordinate affection. Be warned Christians, you shall perish, just as God destroyed all that transgressed his ways. If you as a Christian are supporting what God has called abominable before him; you had better repent of your stance on some of our modern day issues; for if you don't, the lake of fire above is going to be; by God's own words; your Eternal resting place. If you are attending any Church denomination that supports the abominable before God; regardless of whether it is your local Church or not; you had better join together and remove Satan from your denomination's leadership, go down the street and start a new one; or join countless numbers of good Churches that fear God and are faithful to his ways. I assure you that if your local Church social group has supported the denominational perversion of God's ways, you will have punched your ticket to a very warm place. Galatians 6:7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. As God the Father said countless times in the Old Testament; you had better purge the evil from your camp, so the people will fear. You as a Christian are guilty by association and will have no cloak for your sin before Jesus and his Father. A Christian's support of any denomination that rejects God's ways is setting an example that threatens the Church of Jesus Christ. According to Jesus Christ's own words above, all who support the gay movement and gay marriage had better re-think your stance on the issue, for you may all shall perish together, just as they did in the Old Testament. We are to rebuke all, who call good evil; and evil good. I hope and pray the words God has given me, have gotten your attention, and all shall repent of their sins. If you are supporting what God has called sin as a Christian, and you are teaching others to do so, and that their sin is O.K.; by the words of Jesus above; you will be judged by God and may loose the salvation of Jesus Christ that you think you have. Repent; or as sure as the sun comes up in the morning, you shall perish, for all Eternity.
What is a delusional Christian. A delusional Christian is a supposed Christian that thinks he or she is going to Church and having a form of Godliness; while they support Abortion, the Gay Movement, Fornication, adultery, living together; out of marriage; with no respect for God's laws and ways; lying, stealing, lust of money, and a long list of things that God said is sin before him; while not wanting to study God's word; the Holy Bible. Please accept my humble words as a sinner myself; that you shall be stripped naked and bare before God, and you will have no cloak for your sin. Please be warned by someone who has spent countless hours in God's Word in pursuit of God's plan for the end times and the prophecy of Jesus Christ; and knows his words very well. You learn your way around the Bible pretty well in the studying of prophecy. What you want to think as a Christian will not change God's laws. If you think the liberal movement in America has any power with God, you are a completely delusional Christian. Just as God blessed the Jewish people in the Old Testament and they turned away from him, our nation as a whole has turned away and rejected God's ways. As sure as God carved his ways on a stone that came off the mountain, and destroyed the Israelites for rejecting his ways, God will dismantle the great nation we used to call America, and throw it into a bed of chaos. And if you reject the free gift of Salvation that Jesus Christ gave his life for; his and his Father's righteousness will be played back in your ears, in a Lake of Fire, for all Eternity. Listen to the words of the Father and his son. Isaiah 59: verses 1 and 2 "Behold, the LORD'S hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither his ear heavy, that it cannot hear: But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from you, that he will not hear." God's clear message that if you are living in or supporting sin as a Christian, he will not hear your prayers. Oh, Craig; that Old Testament stuff doesn't apply to us Christians; all we have to do is rub a little bottle and claim to love Jesus. The words of Jesus in Matthew: 17-19 "Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven." And what I believe are the most profound words from Jesus Christ he ever spoke to marginal Christians who try to have one foot in his Kingdom and the other in the world. Matthew 7: 21-23 "Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity." Please note the words "but he that doeth the will of the Father" My dear fellow Christians, if you think supporting or living in sin is the will of God the Father, you should wear with pride the term "Delusional Christian." God's anger will not burn against those who have sinned and sincerely repented of that sin. Those who should fear God's anger are those who profess to be Christians and support sins that are clearly in support of Satan, and contrary to the ways of Jesus Christ and his Father. If you do not fear; you should; for your end will not be well, and by the words of Jesus above, you will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Second Timothy 2:19 " Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity (sin)." If you are a marginal Christian that kinda believes in Jesus in your mind and is comfortable in your earthly material things, you need to read the words of Jesus in Revelation 3: verses 15,16,&17. God can destroy the the material wealth of this country in an instant. Everyone that calls themself a Christian better make sure that they believe in Jesus Christ from their heart, for the mind saved Christians will not enter the Kingdom of God. Salvation is not a mind thing; it's a heart thing. I want to issue a warning from God to all Christians in our new, anything goes, modern day world, of Christianity. I would strongly recommend you review your stance on what God the Father and Jesus called an abomination or an abominable sin before them. In Revelation 21:7 & 8 Jesus states: "He that overcometh shall inherit all things; I will be his God, and he shall be my son. But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death." For those that do not know their Bible, God destroyed the gay movement and all that supported it in the days of Noah, in the days of Sodom and Gommorah, and when Moses came off the mountain when God gave the people over to inordinate affection. Be warned Christians, you shall perish, just as God destroyed all that transgressed his ways. If you as a Christian are supporting what God has called abominable before him; you had better repent of your stance on some of our modern day issues; for if you don't, the lake of fire above is going to be; by God's own words; your Eternal resting place. If you are attending any Church denomination that supports the abominable before God; regardless of whether it is your local Church or not; you had better join together and remove Satan from your denomination's leadership, go down the street and start a new one; or join countless numbers of good Churches that fear God and are faithful to his ways. I assure you that if your local Church social group has supported the denominational perversion of God's ways, you will have punched your ticket to a very warm place. Galatians 6:7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. As God the Father said countless times in the Old Testament; you had better purge the evil from your camp, so the people will fear. You as a Christian are guilty by association and will have no cloak for your sin before Jesus and his Father. A Christian's support of any denomination that rejects God's ways is setting an example that threatens the Church of Jesus Christ. According to Jesus Christ's own words above, all who support the gay movement and gay marriage had better re-think your stance on the issue, for you may all shall perish together, just as they did in the Old Testament. We are to rebuke all, who call good evil; and evil good. I hope and pray the words God has given me, have gotten your attention, and all shall repent of their sins. If you are supporting what God has called sin as a Christian, and you are teaching others to do so, and that their sin is O.K.; by the words of Jesus above; you will be judged by God and may loose the salvation of Jesus Christ that you think you have. Repent; or as sure as the sun comes up in the morning, you shall perish, for all Eternity.
How Can I Know that the World as we Know it is Coming to an End ?
Look for 3 specific keys from the Word of God and prophecy of Jesus Christ. One, war will begin to break out all over the world. Two, the Jewish people and Israel will begin to move toward "The time of Jacob's trouble," as stated in Jeremiah 30:7. It's God's plan. And three, God will turn the world's ecosystem and climate upside down; because of the sin in our modern day world. And folks; stay tuned, for it is already under way. Let me explain. Click "More" above for " Are We the Terminal Generation" for more commentary. Houston; just the beginning of what is two come. As we know from God's word, Israel and Jerusalem are the center of God's World. I have nothing to say about the Jewish people that is in any way Anti-Semitic. If you want to hear something that is anti-Semitic, read the words of God the Father in the Old Testament. Most Christians do not know that less than 3% of the Jewish people in Israel are Christians. The end times plan of God is that all the Jewish people will be reconciled to God the Father through the revelation of his son; Jesus Christ. Who they rejected as the true Messiah; and fulfilled every prophecy about himself in the Old Testament. We, as Christians, should organize "A Night to Honor the Christian Jew" to pray for the 97% who do not know him as their Savior. All Israel shall know their true Messiah, Jesus Christ, when he returns to destroy all evil and live and reign with the righteous for a 1000 years. God's plan for the end times is to put the Jewish people through his fire and refine them to be reconciled to his son who they rejected. It is very sad and I wish it were not so. Most modern day Christians do not know his predetermined plan for the Jewish people to fulfill the promises God made to the righteous Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. And certainly to King David, who will be resurrected and rule with Jesus in the coming 1000 year reign of Christ. I ask you the question as a Christian? How in the name of Jesus could God the Father want the unsaved of Israel to be honored by Christians when they had his son nailed to the cross. I also ask you as a Christian why, the Jewish people, who do not believe in Jesus as their Savior, are not keeping the Covenant of Moses they made with God the Father, with all his Ordinances and laws. Provocative thoughts. Israel will only find lasting peace; like a river, when Jesus Christ reigns from Mt. Zion with King David at his side. And the world will be as God the Father purposed it for Adam and Eve; and as he planned for the world through the covenant he made with the Jewish people with Moses. Christians who do not know the Bible need to get it right. The end times is purposed and pre-planned by God the Father. We will always love Isreal and the Jewish people, but they need to find their true Messiah that they rejected. They will; unfortunately; but it's going to be the hard way.
Look for 3 specific keys from the Word of God and prophecy of Jesus Christ. One, war will begin to break out all over the world. Two, the Jewish people and Israel will begin to move toward "The time of Jacob's trouble," as stated in Jeremiah 30:7. It's God's plan. And three, God will turn the world's ecosystem and climate upside down; because of the sin in our modern day world. And folks; stay tuned, for it is already under way. Let me explain. Click "More" above for " Are We the Terminal Generation" for more commentary. Houston; just the beginning of what is two come. As we know from God's word, Israel and Jerusalem are the center of God's World. I have nothing to say about the Jewish people that is in any way Anti-Semitic. If you want to hear something that is anti-Semitic, read the words of God the Father in the Old Testament. Most Christians do not know that less than 3% of the Jewish people in Israel are Christians. The end times plan of God is that all the Jewish people will be reconciled to God the Father through the revelation of his son; Jesus Christ. Who they rejected as the true Messiah; and fulfilled every prophecy about himself in the Old Testament. We, as Christians, should organize "A Night to Honor the Christian Jew" to pray for the 97% who do not know him as their Savior. All Israel shall know their true Messiah, Jesus Christ, when he returns to destroy all evil and live and reign with the righteous for a 1000 years. God's plan for the end times is to put the Jewish people through his fire and refine them to be reconciled to his son who they rejected. It is very sad and I wish it were not so. Most modern day Christians do not know his predetermined plan for the Jewish people to fulfill the promises God made to the righteous Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. And certainly to King David, who will be resurrected and rule with Jesus in the coming 1000 year reign of Christ. I ask you the question as a Christian? How in the name of Jesus could God the Father want the unsaved of Israel to be honored by Christians when they had his son nailed to the cross. I also ask you as a Christian why, the Jewish people, who do not believe in Jesus as their Savior, are not keeping the Covenant of Moses they made with God the Father, with all his Ordinances and laws. Provocative thoughts. Israel will only find lasting peace; like a river, when Jesus Christ reigns from Mt. Zion with King David at his side. And the world will be as God the Father purposed it for Adam and Eve; and as he planned for the world through the covenant he made with the Jewish people with Moses. Christians who do not know the Bible need to get it right. The end times is purposed and pre-planned by God the Father. We will always love Isreal and the Jewish people, but they need to find their true Messiah that they rejected. They will; unfortunately; but it's going to be the hard way.
Abortion - A Word That Makes Jesus Cry
Legalized Abortion - Two Words That Would Make Satan Say " I Am Not That Evil" - But I'll Take It "
If you claim to be a Christian, and support abortion in any way; please hear this.
Is God evil; let's take rape and incest out of the way very quickly. Should not any women that has been raped, or a woman that is victim of incest, not be able to purge her body before God. Should not any woman have the right to choose between her own life and the life of her child; if necessary? Are we evil ??? Is the God that we love evil ???? That is not abortion. I submit to you that if you have a friend, family member or acquaintance that supports abortion in any way, they are living in and supporting sin. Mark them; and make them ashamed. God said in the 10 commandments; thou shalt not kill; but our modern day society says that an unborn child is a piece of trash; and killing a child is not only O.K.; but legal. May the God that I love have mercy on your soul when you stand before him. Abortion is clearly shedding innocent blood, a sin that God covered very well in the Old Testament. Proverbs 6:16 These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: 17A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, Is it a child in the womb? Luke 1:41 " And it came to pass, that, when Elisabeth heard the salutation of Mary, the babe leaped in her womb; and Elisabeth was filled with the Holy Ghost." Jeremiah 31:8 Behold, I will bring them from the north country, and gather them from the coasts of the earth, and with them the blind and the lame, the woman with child and her that travaileth with child together: a great company shall return thither. There are so many scriptures in the Bible that identify an unborn child as a person that they are hard to count. God told the Isrealites to cook their meat well and to not eat the blood, for he said it was the life. If you can't handle life beginning at conception; which it does, beyond debate; please accept God's word that life begins when a child in the womb has blood, and a heartbeat; which is at about 5 weeks. Ladies; have enough reverence for God to do what you are going to do quickly. And do whatever you want with your bodies, but please stop trying to wear a Christian label and invoke the name of Jesus with something that is unquestionable a sin before God. God called that taking his name in vain. All that support this sin may just someday recall the words of Jesus when he said "Depart from me, ye that work inquity." Those who have had an abortion and repented of the sin before Jesus should walk this earth with absolutely no guilt or shame. Hopefully they can use the mistake to glorify Jesus and his saving grace. If Jesus did not forgive our sins; I would already be in Hell. The ladies that should fear God's wrath are those who promote abortion as O.K., and those that petition our government to legalize killing of the innocent in this country. May God have mercy on the women, who call themselves Christians, and the Supreme Court Justices and legislators, that supported and legalized abortion. You really need to have a "Come to Jesus" moment and study God's Word a little more; and no; God does not care if it's your own daughter's sin you are trying to make acceptable; before men. Our modern day society of liberal women have coined a cute little phrase: " I believe in a women's right to choose." Men and women will always have the right to choose what they do with their bodies; but we don't as Christians have the right to kill what God calls, everywhere in his word, innocent little children of the womb. When the evil people who defend this sin stand before Jesus, they may just hear Jesus say " My Father has given me the "right to choose" your resting place, and you will hear the screams of the precious little innocent ones, for all Eternity. Good luck when you stand before Jesus and try to sell him your views. Has our nation become so wicked that we condone and legalize the killing of babies?? We put people in prison for life for killing another person. Christian men and women everywhere; that love Jesus; should rise up and stop legalized abortion. IT'S BARBARIC. Our government should supply free contraceptives for all women who can't afford them; especially for the minority women where abortion is the biggest problem, including the day after pill. Jesus wants abortion stopped, and the United States has the resources to get it done. If this sin is not offensive to you; be sure that your heart is not right with God as a Christian. If we were all forced to watch the abortion of a baby dog or cow; people would be tearing down the walls of Congress to get it stopped. What has happened to the moral values in America? One day soon; God may just rise up in anger; and we will have no one but ourselves to blame.
Fornication, and the price you will pay as a Christian
You will not go to Heaven when you die. The Bible, Paul, and Jesus; are all crystal clear about this sin. The definition: having sex with someone who is not your husband or wife. A sin that Jesus got so angry at, he almost blew his top. If you are living in sin and fornication as a Christian; you really need to go to Revelation Chapter 2 verse 14, and verses 20 through 23; to see how Jesus feels about your sin before him. Really, really, strong; serious stuff you need to be aware of. He's mad; and you're gonna be in big trouble. And no, I am not being Holier than Thou, for I have lived my season in this sin; and repented of it.
You will not go to Heaven when you die. The Bible, Paul, and Jesus; are all crystal clear about this sin. The definition: having sex with someone who is not your husband or wife. A sin that Jesus got so angry at, he almost blew his top. If you are living in sin and fornication as a Christian; you really need to go to Revelation Chapter 2 verse 14, and verses 20 through 23; to see how Jesus feels about your sin before him. Really, really, strong; serious stuff you need to be aware of. He's mad; and you're gonna be in big trouble. And no, I am not being Holier than Thou, for I have lived my season in this sin; and repented of it.
"Judge Not; Condemn Not" - Click "More" Above
Maybe not what you think it means
Maybe not what you think it means
America was founded on Christianity; and has been the most Christian nation in the world; and greatly blessed as a result. We have seen prayer taken from our schools by the words of minorities in this country. We have seen our right to delight in our Christian heritage be stripped from us by people that say we should not have that right. We as Christians, are by far the majority, that need to wake up and take America back; and restore it to its Godly heritage. Only for the moral depravity of some our leaders has God's Holy Sanctity of marriage been polluted, and redefined. Only by our silence have the ways of God and our rights been taken from us. Minorities are out of control in America, and garner far too much attention when compared to the majority interests in this country. They should have there rights, but have far too long trampled on the rights of others, simply by causing a lot of trouble and unrest; and wanting special treatment. Immorality is epidemic in America, and our Christian values have been slowly diluted and polluted by television, the media, and certainly the Internet. Our Federal leaders, as a whole; have proven that they no longer have reverence for the Godly ways and laws this nation was founded on; and we now find ourselves debating sexual issues that would be inconceivable for a Godly people. All issues of morality should be left to the States to decide, and let God bless or curse the States that keep his ways. We need to unite as Christians, and restore the Christian Heritage that has made America great, or God will continue withdrawing the grace he has given our land. We need to organize and boycott television stations and their sponsors that promote sexually immorality, for our children and grandchildren's sake. Those who think global warming, climate change, or whatever you want to call it is a hoax, better get their heads out of the sand, for it comes from the hand of God Almighty; and it will happen far faster than even the scientists predict. Buckle up, for God has thrown America into chaos; for the sin in our nation; and it is only going to get worse; until we humble ourselves, and fight against those who want to abolish his ways.
Would You Like for your Life to be Forever changed and Saved by the grace of Jesus Christ? Click "Why Jesus" Above - Craig's Prayer for the Unsaved
I Want to Clean Toilets in Heaven - Click More Above
Ecclesiastes 11:9 - 10 ( Teach this to your children. It is a warning from God that could change their life. )
Rejoice, O young man, in thy youth; and let thy heart cheer thee in the days of thy youth, and walk in the ways of thine heart, and in the sight of thine eyes: but know thou, that for all these things God will bring thee into judgment. Therefore remove sorrow from thy heart, and put away evil from thy flesh: for childhood and youth are vanity. It is wisdom from God that if you violate God's ways when you are young, God will make you pay for it later in life; and I surely have.
Rejoice, O young man, in thy youth; and let thy heart cheer thee in the days of thy youth, and walk in the ways of thine heart, and in the sight of thine eyes: but know thou, that for all these things God will bring thee into judgment. Therefore remove sorrow from thy heart, and put away evil from thy flesh: for childhood and youth are vanity. It is wisdom from God that if you violate God's ways when you are young, God will make you pay for it later in life; and I surely have.
Come Quickly Lord Jesus
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I am not for everyone, and know that the teachings on this website do not fit in our modern, feel good, politically correct world; but when you as a Christian leave this world and stand before Jesus; you may just wish you would have paid more attention to them. Please let me know if you find anything on this site that is scripturally incorrect. And please be sure, that I sit in judgment of no one. The Bible clearly tells us that if you are living in sin, you are already judged by God, if you do not repent. We need to do what we can for the Kingdom; and may Jesus say to all of us someday; well done, my good and faithful servants. If you would like to host a Bible prophecy study and/or debate at your Church, please contact me.
Correspondence to : Craig D. Holland
P.O. Box 254 Watertown, Tennessee 37184
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We've just got to leave you with this !